Unusually for Anthony's American and Canadian interviews this will be a very reasonable time for you guys in Europe, India and even China.
This is the blog site for all who are interested in the theory of what may happen to consciousness at the point of death as explained in the books 'Is There Life After Death - The Extraordinary Science Of What Happens When You Die' and The Daemon - A Guide To Your Extraordinary Secret Self
Fri 4th June 2010 @ 1200 - North Manchester FM
Mon 7th June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Mon 21st June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Thu 29th July 2010 @ 1930 - Eccles Library
Sun 12th September 2010 @ 1430 - Bolton Theosopy Group
Sat 23rd October 2010 @ TBA - Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, USA
Please check my website for further details:
Note: I also do lectures for non-public organisations. Please contact me for further details:
1 comment:
Unfortunately luck was not with me today. It seems that Jeremiah and his team have had real technical problems. As you know they are doing a 24 hour broadcast out of the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Musueum in St Augustine in Florida. Jeremiah's usual base and studio is in North Carolina so they have been dependent upon the technical team at Ripleys to set up the broadcast. It seems that things have failed to work and thus far, although the interviews have taken place, nothing has been broadcast. They have therefore already lost 8 hours of the 24. The Ripley technical staff are due in at 0900 (EST) and Jeremiah is hoping that they can sort out the problem.
However, the good news is that my interview will be available for "listen again" and download in a few days time. As a member of my FORUM Jeremiah will place a link on there as soon as it is available. I will then copy that link and place it on this BLOG.
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