When i first conversed with Anthony and again most recently, i mentioned to him about Derren Brown's work. A large amount of what Derren Brown does has similar insight, arguably, to Anthony's theory. In one experiment he hires two actors to have a collision in a crowded train station, he then get's a (apparently!) random woman ,who, with his assistance ,is able to replay the incident, zooming in on particular detail. This, in particular, lends itself to Anthony's theory on life being a recording similar to that of a dvd, which can be replayed, with the right technology under certain conditions. This is an example of just one, of many great "bits" that Derren Brown has done. I've seen him perform twice and read his first two books. His first is slightly more "card trick focused" but there is still some great theory in there. His second, is one of the best books i've read with a lot more insight in to his opinions and theories.
If anybody has been on the moon or perhaps that island from Lost for the past 6 or 7 years, Derren Brown is a performer that fuses the power of suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship to create some of the greatest tricks of the mind you will ever see. Anthony tells me there is a member here who is in contact with him and also that he is finding Anthony's work to be fascinating.
Is it possible that a lot of his work requires communicating with the Daemon? There are many things which i'm sure his work can lend to Anthony's theory.
Also i'm a huge fan of his and i wanted to make sure he saw through my nakedly self-serving attempt to suck-up, he does great work, yes he surely does.
I must have been on that island with the Losties then! Thanks for the intro to who Darren Brown is!
You said he uses the,
"...power of suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship." Strangly that's some of the same techniques used by some advanced Martial Artists! Don't know what thats got to do with anything, but just thought I'd mention it!
Once, he visited a guy who was trained to perform the one inch punch. He said it would take about a year to perfect. Mr Brown then not only did this to someone, but without touching them and also behind their back...
True story!
I can believe that!
The 'secret' to the 'one inch' punch is actually very simple! It's entirly concievable that DB had worked it out himself or was able to produce the same effect.
Sorry, the above is a link to Derren's "One inch punch" segment.
Thanks HB!
I'm disappointed! DB doesn't do the 'one inch punch' at all. He does say it's just a trick in the video. From the forms the students were doing it looks like they were pretty much raw recruits in Wing Chun. Oddly, what Darren did to the guy by punching him in the back without making contact and the guy crumpling from the solar plexus, is something I've witnessed in 'born again' churches were people fall on the floor and talk in tongues! Any one care to comment on how he achieved this trick? Good video about the power of the mind though!
Go watch all of his work. Particularly his "messiah" work. Trust me, you WILL be impressed.
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