În urmă cu 25 de ani (atunci când eram mai apropiaţi), Ivan era un gentleman şi partenera sa de atunci – dacă ţin bine minte - a profitat de cumsecădenia şi politeţea lui. Tatăl meu (step), care nu suporta să cânte găina într-o relaţie, a asistat scandalizat la mica ieşire „feministă” a celei care avea să-i devină curând soţie (eram toţi în apartamentul de pe Intrarea Pandurilor) şi l-a dojenit într-un mod foarte ne-cumsecade şi ne-politicos (într-un cuvânt: olteneşte) pentru slăbiciunea lui. Împreună cu femeia sa (om gospodar şi familist, Ivan a făcut casă bună cu cea care – once upon a time - a stârnit reacţia colerică şi „antifeministă” a tatălui meu vitreg) l-au adoptat pe Bogdan, un băiat isteţ pe care, iată, l-au adus până în pragul celor 20 de ani.
Ultima oară l-am văzut pe Ivan pe 17 decembrie 2008, când Theodor a urcat pentru întâia oară pe scenă în spectacolul de Crăciun la care a fost invitat Grigore Leşe. Un an mai târziu, cu ocazia spectacolulului regizat de Ada Lupu, în care Theodor – alături de soprana Daniela Vlădescu, de actriţa Paula Frunzetti şi de un grup de copii - a cântat două zile la rând (pe 21 & 22 decembrie 2009), Ivan nu mai era la cabina din culise. M-am interesat şi am aflat că are mari probleme cu rinichii (făcea dializă) şi e internat la reanimare. Să-i fie ţărâna uşoară.
Hi Saskiul,
I am delighted that you are placing postings on here ... shows that my theory is also of interest in Rumania.
Your posting also looks very interesting but, unfortunately, I can read no Rumanian.
Is there any way you can get this post translated into English? - or do you know of any software (similar to Babel Fish) that can automatically translate from Rumanian to English.
Thanks again for the post (and the one you did a few months ago).
Best Wishes
Google Translate seems to work well.
RAC: Thanks Robert!
However, as you've not placed here the actual translation I'll post what Google Translate comes up with below:
"Raluca vesteşte me after reading the entry necrologul Opera in Timisoara that Ivan Bota - a good knowledge of the family - has moved from the eternal. I made acquaintance with him through 1983. She was dancer and I saw some performances in ballet mounted in those years the Opera: Giselle, Fountain of Bahcisarai, Lake lebedelor, Spărgătorul of nuts, etc.. In the last decade became technical director at TNT and Opera.
In the latter 25 years (when I was close), Ivan was a gentleman and his partner then - if you take good mind - took advantage of his courtesy and cumsecădenia. My dad (step), not to play chicken stand in a relationship, witnessed little outraged at the exit "feminist" to that which was to become his wife soon (I was all in the apartment entrance Pandurilor) and in rebuke a very kind to us and we politely (in one word: olteneşte) for his weakness. Together with women (as husband and family man, Ivan made good pets with that - once upon a time - has stirred violent reaction and antifeministă "to my stepdad) have adopted Bogdan, a smart guy that, Here, they have brought to the threshold of 20 years.
Last time I saw Ivan on 17 December 2008, when Theodor got to first on the scene in the Christmas show in which he was invited Leşe Gregory. A year later, when directed by Ada spectacolulului Lupu, where Theodor - along with soprano Daniela Vlădescu, the actress Paula Frunzetti and a group of children - has played two days in a row (21 & 22 December 2009), Ivan was no longer in the booth backstage. I am interested and have found that problems with the kidneys (dialysis was) and is committed to reanimation. To be mild dust."
.............Which seems perfectly clear to me!
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