James honoured me last year by sending me a signed copy of the first edition. I read it over a period of three days and I really enjoyed it. James had been motivated to send his book to me after reading my book and seeing many parallels between my "Cheating The Ferryman" theory and the life and lyrics of the subject of James' book, the late and very great Jim Morrison of the band The Doors.
I had long known that Morrison had decided on the band's name after reading Aldous Huxley's book "The Doors of Perception", but it took James (Hunt) to point out to me just how linked Jim (Morrison)'s philosophy on life was to that of my own.
I am now delighted that James is getting the recognition he deserves. This book is simply amazing and I would strongly advise anybody interested in rock music to read it. Indeed words cannot express how honoured I am to have my comments on the book to be gracing the back cover with those of the great Ray Manzarek, the keyboard player responsible for those wonderful opening bars of the Doors song "The End" (now forever associated with one of my all time favourite movies, "Apocalypse Now"). Indeed a little known fact is that the Doors lacked a bassist so Ray normally pl;ayed that role as well using a Fender Rhodes piano.
If you have very good eyesight you might just be able to read what Ray and I write about Jim's book!
Oh, and another slightly synchronistic event that you may find amusing.
The link below is the one of the nine YouTube videos of a talk I gave at Dr. Alan Robert's home in Hoylake, here on Wirral.
Now fast forward it to about 1 minute 3 seconds in. Now what do you see ..........???
For clarification; this PowerPoint presentation was designed in January 2008. I received the copy of Jim's book at least three months later
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