Sunday 2 September 2007

A Request - Amazon Website Reviews

Many of you have told me that you have enjoyed reading Is There Life After Death (ITLAD). You could really help me out if you could place a review of the book on your country's Amazon website. All you need to do is search out my book - simply search on 'Anthony Peake' - and then click on 'add a review'. In order to be allowed to do this you need to have purchased a product from that particular Amazon site. If you have done so you will have to enter your email address (the one you used to purchase the goods) and your Amazon password. You will then be in to give the book a star rating and make some comments. You can be as truthful as you like. Indeed you can give yourself an Amazon identity name that will ensure you cannot be identified.

This will really help me because people do read these comments and make a decision to purchase or not. Indeed the more comments reflects the books popularity. Indeed for those of you in Germany, Netherlands,USA, Canada, South Africa and Australia as well as the UK, it will help get my theory known in those countries.



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