Friday 16 November 2007


All periods of unconsciousness reunites us with our daemon - from sleep, hypnosis, thought to illness, accident and death itself (The knockout blow to wistful reminiscence). Think of Lost in Space, where Will Robinson gets transported into another dimension or The Twilight Zone, where Howard Duff finds his life is actually a television play.

I call this movement between states, The Artist Effect or moving forward to act (alter) unconsciously, or back to examine what's happened/ been done. Life is having your nose pressed up against a window, looking in - reality is turning round and seeing the real world in all its entirety (The paranormal taps us on the shoulder, to take our focus off the small dream we have all our attention on, to remind us that there is a bigger picture out there in infinite space/ through eternal time).

The reason that normal conscious knowledge is poor could be that we suppress it, to keep our eye on the ball (Action is visual 'reaction' - thought (contemplation/meditation) requires stillness of body (action replay): 'Don't distract me with chatter - I'm watching the game!' (intellect versus e-motion or the illusion of reality caused by immersion in it i.e. moving with it versus standing back (disconnection) and seeing it as an illusion, separate from the self: Emotion, sound and Eidolon versus intellect, sight and The Daemon (The past is lived internally, in the driving seat but viewed externally because you've driven past that point and are looking back on it or the car is parked and you're unconscious (immobile). Why do some people have life reviews and others don't? Think of a plane crash. The life reviewer parachutes out of it before it crashes, watching his life go down inevitably, slowly in the distance. The non-reviewer (materialist) hangs onto the controls like grim death, going down with the plane, hands on the controls/ face pressed up against the window, refusing to give into death until it leaves him no choice but to acknowledge he's dead.

Observation stops something in its tracks - freedom is taking our attention off it and allowing it to be/do whatever it wants itself - unharnessed, uncontrolled: The Observer Effect could be why we get the answer we expect - we make it.

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