My KERRANG interview will be broadcast next Tuesday evening (28th October) on the "Night Before" hosted by Nick Margerrison. Nick's show starts at 2200 (UK time). The original interview ran for around 40 minutes so it could be broadcast at any time between 2200 on the Tuesday and 0100 the following morning. If you wish to phone in the studio number is 00 44 845 688 1052 outside the UK and 0845 688 1052 within the UK. You can also text a message - text "K" then your message to 64100.
If you have a digibox or a digital television you can listen through your TV by tuning into KERRANG Radio. If you have a DAB radio the signal can be picked up at 105.2. I am also informed that the video of my interview with Nick will soon be posted on YouTube
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