Thursday, 9 October 2008
Announcement - New Radio Interview

Hi Folks,
My lecture at Widnes Library went very well last night. Thank you to all who attended, particularly "Lady Jayne" who made some fantastically supportive comments when describing how her temporal lobe epilepsy opens her senses up to the real world of the "Bohmian IMAX". Also thanks to Janette Fleming for making sure the event ran so smoothly. As usual we ran out of time but I think we gained some more itladians to join the ever-swelling figures.
In the audience was local radio presenter Roy Basnett of City Talk Radio. You may recall that I did an interview on this station during the summer. Anyway Roy was keen to understand more about CTF and ITLAD so I was wisked off to the City Talk Studios to record an interview.
Roy not only grasped the ideas but ran with them as well. I suspect we have our first itladian broadcaster. The interview ran for nearly an hour. It will be broadcast early friday morning (between 2:00 - 4:00 British time) on Roy's award winning show. But do not worry if you miss it because Roy intends to feature me (photo and all) on his part of the City Talk Website: http://www.citytalk.fm/sectional.asp?id=25007
For those of you in the USA and Canada the time will be much more civilised and you can listen in as it is broadcast via the web - http://www.whatson.com/citytalk/
As City Talk is a non-music station there are no international restrictions (unlike Kerrang).
I know it is a big ask but Roy does take phone calls so that people can comment on the show. If he received a call from The States or Canada that would really be exceptional. The number will be: 00 44 151 708 1059 .
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Tony: Tremendous news AP, and thanks for your email.
Owing to travelling to Liverpool early on Saturday morning for the inaugural INTERNATIONAL ITLADic Pis......er, Conference, I will not be able to listen live but providing the listen again facility is available I should be able to record it and make available for download as per previous appearances.
I will hopefully be sleeping at the time of broadcast, but I look forward to the download!
Well done, Tony! Another coup!
Missed the show, look forward to a listen to the download ( when time permits ).
Audio From Tony's Interview On City Talk Radio With Roy Basnett (Download)
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