Sunday 4 November 2007

CTF - The Unification Theory of all Religions

As far as my limited knowledge of faiths go, I cannot find any aspect of CTF that excludes any of the great world faiths.

Even the Christian view fits in: We are not reincarnated as such, and to 'degenerate' (by which I mean behave in a way contrary to the wisdom of the Daemon) will lead to ever worse incarnations until, eventually, you inhabit a truly horrible Everett universe. In that respect, Heaven, Earth and Hell can be interpreted as alternative universes. I suspect CTF follows even more closely the eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism.

Maybe in some universes past tyrants sought help for whatever emotional turmoil lead to their behaviour. Maybe there is a truly heavenly outcome for humanity that one can reach if we listen well enough to our Daemon!

Maybe CTF is the 'Unification Theory' which will one day unite the world religions (not to mention religion and science)? I would love to think CTF is the key to future peace and enlightenment. I live in hope :)


Anthony Peake said...

That is one of the things that surprises me the most about CTF. It seems to be both scientific, rationalist and objective and yet at the same time it contradicts no religion. Indeed I have had Spiritualists and even Mormans at my talks. In Borders in Leicester I had a gropu of Mormans turn up. They were initially quite hostile and 'spoiling for a fight' really. One of them said to me that I would "wish that they had not come". An hour later they were so enthusiastic that one of them rushed out to his car and gave me a copy of the Book of Morman. He then carefuly underlined the sections that supported CTF. They then invited my wife and I to dinner - which we had to decline because of timescales. Indeed even scientology has elements of CTF (for example what is an 'Operating Thetan but another term for the Daemon?)

I have also ben recently contacted by a lovely lady by the name of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki. Dolores is so enthusiastic about ITLAD that she has suggested that all 6,000 students of her organisation - a mystical order by the name of The Servants of the Light (SOL).

One religion that I thought would not really fit with CTF is Buddhism as it has a belief in reincarnation but even here there is synergy rather than conflict. A Buddhist monk from Australia by the name of Ekaggata Bikkhu wrote to me earlier this year to say that he felt that my book scientifically proved many beliefs of esoteric Buddhism. Indeed he and i met up in a Buddhist Monastery near Leamington Spa in June and he confirmed his feelings about this. Finally I have even been invited to visit a Sufi Monastery in Northern Cyprus by a Sufi member of the Scientific & Medical Network to meet his Sheikh.

Although this may sound really arrogant but I humbly believe that CTF may have uncovered the truth behind all religions and given it a scientific as well as theological basis. A philosophical 'Unified Field Theory' or Grand Unified Theory.

Anthony Peake said...

Error on second paragraph above. It should read

"I have also ben recently contacted by a lovely lady by the name of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki. Dolores is so enthusiastic about ITLAD that she has suggested that all 6,000 students of her organisation - a mystical order by the name of The Servants of the Light (SOL)should buy a copy of ITLAD and incorporate the theory into their study plan."
