Second Life is voice enabled but the function is full of bugs so we plan to use Skype as an alternative.
This is the blog site for all who are interested in the theory of what may happen to consciousness at the point of death as explained in the books 'Is There Life After Death - The Extraordinary Science Of What Happens When You Die' and The Daemon - A Guide To Your Extraordinary Secret Self
Fri 4th June 2010 @ 1200 - North Manchester FM
Mon 7th June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Mon 21st June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Thu 29th July 2010 @ 1930 - Eccles Library
Sun 12th September 2010 @ 1430 - Bolton Theosopy Group
Sat 23rd October 2010 @ TBA - Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, USA
Please check my website for further details:
Note: I also do lectures for non-public organisations. Please contact me for further details:
Firstly, interesting synchrondipity over the timing of yours and Tony's posts!!
Was it your Daemon who told you to post this at the precise moment Tony posted his, following your SKYPE chat earlier?
*furrows brow in ponderance*
Now, regrettably I am unable to attend owing to me having a laptop only recently recovered from a cripling injury and which has a graphics card with the capacity of a 3 year old with a purple crayon!
I can log on to Second Life but whenever I try to move the whole system crashes down around me.
(There is surely some deeply existential allegory in there somewhere - Kafka perhaps?)
I should have been a Luddite !
(or maybe I was)
*shakes fist at modern technology*
But I shall endeavour to create an alternative option before we organise the big first ITLADian cyber lecture, if not solely to meet your rather striking avatar!
*straightens tie, adjusts starched collar and alters Trilby to the angle affectionally known as rakish*
I love that word..Synchrondipity! We did not consciously synchronize our posts did we Tony? Was it pure luck or did we channel one another's daemon? haha
Now Karl, about that laptop... If you are inclined to join us from Flanagan's you'll have both hands free for drinks while watching someone else's screen. Talk about the best of both worlds!.. ehm, 3 worlds in this case. And Izzy will be fully dressed to avoid any distractions... *wink*
How many ITLAD bloggers are in the vicinity of Flanagan's??
Also, please allow me to clarify the first words of my post. 'OK guys' was not meant to be gender-specific. It was a lazy slip of grammar. We Okies often refer to the group as a whole with "you guys" or "ya'll". (the latter causes my skin to crawl with embarrassment)
See ya'll there! *cringes*
Who's picture is that? You look Mahvelous! I tweaked my guy- looks biker-esque. I'll pop in whenever I can (barring a specific time for meeting)
I plan to sit at the pub as I go about my daily routine. Many of my SL days are spent parked somewhere with music playing & avatar dancing as the real me does household chores. I've got a lot of catching up with correspondence to do as well. So, as long as the SL servers are cooperative, I will be watching for ITLAD folk for several hours.
(I've heard there are plans for a rolling restart on Thursday which may bump us offline for several minutes, not to worry, it's a temporary condition that requires patience...keep trying to log back on if it happens)
I will also keep skype open so you can ring me if I'm afk. My skype name is "Izthera".
To answer your question Jon, that's Izzy in the picture. She's my masterpiece. Making avatars turned into a form of creative expression for me, I have a total of 6. Izthera is my favorite, I seem to be stuck as her now. I'm still amused by the implications of her name in relation to ITLAD. I had no conscious thought about Tony's book at the time I chose her name.
Warm regards,
Robin, aka Izthera Paulse
Izthera and I spent about an hour in SL today (joined by a first life friend of mine - Richard)
Izzy (as she is known to her friends) took me to an amazing location called "Dark Star". (A great movie by the way - and also a great Stephen Stills song performed by Crosby Stills & Nash) which is a location dedicated to the great band "The Grateful Dead". As their album "American Beauty" has pride of place in my all time greatest records I really enjoyed my time there.
Izzy and I checked out the 'voice' facility and it does work. It is not as clear as SKYPE but is quite effective.
I may try and get back onto SL late tomorrow afternoon. Maybe see some of you in Flanagan's Apple.
SL wasn't too cooperative today...that's to be expected some days. I tried it again later in the afternoon and lots of the issues had been resolved. Tomorrow will be a better day I think. Come on in and join us everyone!
Interesting that Second Life mirrors First Life in many ways!
Whilst SL was uncooperative for you yesterday, FL was being a particular swine for me as seemingly ALL my energy had been syphoned off!!
Again, I'm sure there is a deeply existential allegory in there somewhere.
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