I am really pleased to say that it seems to be doing very well. It was published in August and in the rest of 2007 notched up sales of 4,934 copies. This consisted of direct sales to the public and a very good deal with a book club.
However on reviewing the number of hits on my website I am surprised to see that none have originated in Poland. I can only assume that the Polish language edition does not reference the website. Of course it is possible that those who decide to buy the book in Polish do not read (or write) English.
Of course in Polish ITLAD will be CIZPS!
Maybe in due course a Polish version of the website may be an option. Terry, my web designer, is of Polish background but unfortunately does not speak any Polish!
As you will all be aware this is the first of a series of foreign language editions. This year will see the book appear in Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Dutch and Czech with more under negotiation.
All very exciting!
Tony: Gratulacj mój przyjaciel
(Congratulations my friend)
*CIZPSic giggles*
Wonderful news Tony!
CIZPS, sounds like something your mother warned you not to run with.
This is very good news, Tony, and I am so pleased to hear about all of the foreign language editions. And of course the message of the CTF thesis and dydadic concept is a universal one, so this expansion is a necessary one. Very good, to see you get such recognition.
Congratulations Tony!
Onwards and Upwards!!
Thanks for your kind comments guys. I am now very excited as to what avenues the other foreign language editions will open up.
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