“Catching a football; manoeuvring through a room full of people; jumping out of the way when a golfer yells “fore”. Most would agree these seemingly simple actions require us to perceive and quickly respond to a situation. Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mark Changizi argues they require something more — our ability to foresee the future.”
Crystal (Eye) Ball: Visual System Equipped With 'Future Seeing Powers'
Link to online report - "Perceiving The Present"
A Dark Philosopher
Karl L Le Marcs
Similar to some of the research done by Dean Radin and the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), this is interesting to consider in ITLADic terms don't you think?
Yes, it is interesting, and certainly pertains to Tony's theories, and so yes, is ITLADian. Nietzsche had a similar idea, which he called "filling in the blanks": do wish I could remember the text it was from, would quote at length, but I can't. The Gay Science, I believe. I had recently been thinking of a strange "time jump" thing that has been occurring to me for the past 4 years , and increasing in degree and incident. I will try to set it forth when I have time. . . because it has implications of ITLAD and daemon/eidolon dyad. Thank you for posting that. smk
Susan Marie: I'm glad you agree with me and you have even me stumped on the Nietzsche "filling in the blanks" text or maybe I just have some blanks!!
Do tell us of what your "time jumps" consist; this sounds interesting.
Karl: Thanks for the great link... and associated headache from the illusion.
Try staring at the centre for a minute from about a metre away from the screen and then move your head towards the screen still staring at the centre: it kind of bends all of your perspective!
(not recommended if you suffer from epilepsy, obviously)
No; it is of some import to Nietzsche, and now I believe it was not from the "Gay Science", but rather, "Human, all too Human": he says that we are always anticipating, as perceivers, reading into what we see, and anticipating the appropriate details, and jumping the gun, we wind up "filling in the blanks". Now as to my time jumps, which began in 2004, at about the time my husband began his decline: They are uncanny. I will have a random thought, without relevance, but 2 days later it will be extremely relevant. Same with things on the news, in politics; I seem to have a 48 hour jump. I will picture a headline about Obama, which seems to hold no meaning: 48 hours later, it appears in the New York Times. When my husband saw his first surgeon, named Dr. Sharma, the name "Bello" came to mind. 48 hours later, he was transfered to another facility, in another county, and attending surgeon was named Dr. John Bello. This happens also with the I Ching, it will give an irrelevant answer: Only I have wizened up, and think, "Well, in about 48, that'll be relevant." (always is) It has anticipated, through my mind, an incident on the 48 hour horizon which will radically tip something. Why it should be 48 hours, I have no idea. I hope I am not the only one to be experiencing this? Well, if I am, I guess it's not so bad.
Just had the most DREADFUL realization that Tony explains all in ITLAD!!!
Susan Marie:Hmmm! Interesting, I think you may be right about it being Nietzsche's "Human, all to human" rather than "The Gay Science".
Your time jumps are worth considering some more I would say. Obviously I am going to say "Kangaroo Paradox" and "Pattern Finding" but even my statistical and mathematical mind admits that these can only account for a fraction of the deeply ITLADic synchrondipities we all seem to encounter from time to time.
I'd be especially interested, given my ongoing search for just what on Earth I am, if you had any of these "time jump" relevancies relating to anything I say to you.
Yes, often, very often. Too often.
Most interesting Post. I cannot gaze upon it as I am having a *morning after the night before*!!! My partner loved movies and there was a supposed *blooper* in the Hitchcock movie "North by Northwest" where if you watched a scene in a restaurant frame by frame where gunmen enter and start shooting, people flinched and hit the ground BEFORE the shots were fired... most Itladean... like Susan Marie I have also had some persnal experiences mostly in my *good* days i.e. before champagne reared its ugly cork !!! But one from years ago just before sleep still baffles me... a book cover with a certain author emblazoned before my minds eye... or in it... I should read all his books I guess to seek meaning...
As Susan kindly explained to me in a note she sent along with Tony's book, we are all capable of fast forwarding or rewinding our mental existences and studies are showing this to be true... but most of us are stuck in Pause...
Thanks again
Jesamyn: That's what Bollinger-infusion does to you!
*tends to sore head with oversized gingham handkerchief*
I remember the North By Northwest" scene, yes. Ah dear old Archie Leach eh?
Who was this author Jesamyn?
And I'm sure you will appreciate the Occultic significance of this phenomena!
I'm also reminded of the Buddhist concept of Samadhi or the high levels of concentrated meditation whereby one can accelerate ones consciousness.
And also the implications within the Astral fields as you and I keep sending each other Astral messages!
PS I JUST RE-READ all posts properly and example really IS jumping the gun as Susan's wonderful post says!!! There must be a link somewhere here with Gay Sciences Obama and kangaroos!!! Sorry Karl I am going before you reach for Blog Moderator's hat and *stern expression*
We are still loosly on-topic so my diamante encrusted Blog Moderators hat is still at the angle cheekily known as rakish and is not required in the sternish manner yet!
(It's a Peaked cap, obviously!)
Oh dear now I will bore with additional PS as I hit button before reading your reply... You can leave your hat on!!..the author was Dean R Koontz and as his tales are of murder and mayhem I am reluctant to delve!!! Yes SAMADHI... the road thereto is NOT littered with corks ... give me strength..!!!Well as I said to Susan Marie only last night you instantly know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING!!! i.e. Archie... do you have Google search as your brain??? Sorry your hatted figure is now looming I will be quiet and await other learned answers..
Jesamyn: Ah Dean Koontz yes, often refrerred to as the 'poor man's Stephen King' by those that haven't actually read much of his stuff.
I have quite a few of his novels and I like much of his early stuff especially "Strangers" which is FABO!
Maybe my perception IS acting ahead of time as the study this post was based on suggests!
(see what I did there, dragged it back to topic seemlessly!!)
Susan Marie: Forgive me, I've only just seen your comment:
"Yes, often, very often. Too often."
Please email me so we can discuss this further, I am intrigued!
Excellent article. It makes perfect sense that the brain somehow has to compensate for the time delay between empirical experience and what is presented to active consciousness.
So,how do you think this perceiving the present is achieved? Is the Daemon involved?
Susan Marie, your 48 hour jumps sound fascinating! What meaning have you drawn from the experiences?
I don't know what meaning to draw from them , except perhaps what Tony speaks of in ITLAD, in terms of Goethe seeing his future self, and the woman who was seen by herself and others at a dinner party (her future self). Yet mine seems to work in one or two days, almost as if something is gone very slightly askew. I suppose I take a strange comfort in it, as it would seem to involve Tony's daemon/eidolon dyad. I have always had something askew in some sense or other, so it may as well be this now! Thank you for asking, Johar.
Johar: It is rather good ain't it JoJo!
I've postulated much on this blog regarding exactly how our left-right brain duality deals with the experience of anticipating subjective consciousness and Professor Changizi has here suggested a new(ish) concept of evolutionary compensation for the neuronal delays thereby generating perceptions of what is about to occur. The theoretical implications within Deja Vu and Deja Vecu are thus interesting to say the least.
I'm sure that if he were to become aware of Tony's Daemonic theory then he would see the implications instantly.
(or in advance given his own research)
Susan Marie: Thank you for emailing me, I shall have a good old ponderance over your comments tomorrow and get back to you.
Ermmmm. Isn't it just a different way of percieving what's happening in the process of catching a ball, guiding through a crowded room ect?
For example. Some parents toss a teddy bear at their baby (in a playfull way of course!). I'd imagine the first time it happens the baby might fail to react at all. After remembering the result of the process they are able to realise they need to impose their own reaction to the situation.
Maybe we could set up an experiment throwing things at new born babies and seeing if they react first time around? Guys? ;0)
Hurlyburly: While I cannot condone the suggestion of hurling (pun intended) random stuff at babies as a practical scientific experiment, it is interesting to read beneath your psychology of chosen imagery to the idea underneath.
I think such as was discussed in the article by Changizi is suggestive of an evolution of this time lagged perception, and the fine-tuning that we are now able to do with it which enables us to subconsciously adapt from childhood fumblings to adult dexterity.
(well some adults, Martin)
I hate when you just simply repeat what i've already said but in Latin... !
Heu, modo itera omnia quae mihi nunc nuper narravisti, sed nunc Anglice?
"Listen, would you repeat everything you just told me, only this time say it in English?"
Your perception must be lagging behind again Martin mate.
No one likes a show off
Awww don't put yourself down Martin, we do like you here.
I always knew 2 years of independent study and Tom foolery chasing a classical Latin master might stand me in good stead, and to the Hurly boy, A fortiori, and to the other, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum (but my declensions may be afoul): I believe and will always believe that classical Latin is the root and the offspring of philosophy. Too bad very few others do in our era.
Quote: Vice-President Dan Quayle once said, "I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so i could converse with those people...
Well, that is the height, the very height, of folly, vanity------ooh I rest my case, Hurly. . . I may start up my own classical Latin club, and while away the hours with Seneca. . .
Susan Marie:
Is "I Think Therefore I HAM" an example of Pig-Latin!
*smiles galore*
Can anyone just about see the original post topic from here?
Well, I think it is very much to the purpose, very in keeping with the original point; let me think of how I can prove it. . .
Susan Marie: I meant from my own comment, not from yours, Dear Lady!
Original post, ok, let me try.
I think this is a perfect example of where being able to see into the future is merely out constructive minds doing what they have evolved to do rather than this sci-fi magical ability.
Depending on how you perceive it, the possibilty of seeing in the future is more than possible, especially within dreams and when we are in this "inbetween state"
I think a lot of this comes down to language and conceptsand and how we comprehend them. The more we regard seeing into the future as something special the more unlikely it is that we are to accept it?
Hurlyburly: I think that is what Prof Changizi said in the first place, isn't it!
Humanity's problem is that it think in a linear progression. A leads to B leads to C etc. So we think that Time (itself a human construct) acts this way, which of course it doesn't.
If we are all part of one consciousness then past, present and future are all the same thing, just different points on the circumference of a A Perfect Circle or centres of infinity (because of course, if anything has infinite value then you are always, by definition, in the very centre, as in every direction lies infinity.)
I like it when you show patience with people that aren't as well versed in a subject area as you. It's nice...
Ironically you're nicer when i posts jokes instead of serious responses, lesson learned there.
Hurlyburly: Thank you, I try my best.
I mean, it's almost like by adding that question mark at the end of my sentence i was trying to indicate to you that i wasn't 100% sure if what i was saying was making much sense.
I also find it that much more nice than a swift BLIMEY!!! which tends to upset some slightly thin-skinned southerners
Which is why I try to help by pointing out that your thoughts reflected the actual original report!
And "BLIMEY!!" Is often my reaction to my own hypothesising, not yours - and you can't be very "thick-skinned" if BLIMEY!! upsets you!
Can I also kindly ask that you refrain from antagonism!
I see you amended the comment!!
Only because i spelled "thin-skinned" "think-sinned", everything else is the same! I also went to point of mocking my own sensitivity... Read it again sir!
Did you not realise why i wrote thin skinned? I was pointing out how easily you upset me!
Hurly : I am beginning to see that we are birds of a feather.
Hurlyburly: You are not someone easily upset Martin!
Now, can I again respectfully ask you refrain from antagonism as I hope others will be able to comment on the ITLADic content from the article mentioned in the original post.
Thank You.
I think someone's nicked the moderator's hat!
Anyway, if all experience already exists and is recorded, the time delay neurologically is already compensated for isn't it?
Our brains are the measuring devices of our perception but the 'gap' created between empirical experience and what is presented to active consciousness is 'filled in'(or actually already exists in the gap) by the information stored within the objective consciousness field?
Does that make any sense?
Hey Hurly, It's nice to be in less well versed company such as yours, mate,I'm in the same boat and I feel a bit thin skinned as well sometimes. It's about time for a film reference isn't it?
Johar: Thank You JoJo!
Yes I agree with you, which is why I posted the article, as I feel it has deeply ITLADic meaning that Prof Changrizi will probably not have considered if he has not read ITLAD.
A Virgin Life would require this evolution of perception but a Daemonically guided return would not (as much) owing to the stored memories of past existence.
Would you say that , even in the VL, the daemon can access information within the objective consciousness field to allow the 'gap' to be filled?
So although the information is new to the VL, it already exists and is recorded for the first time subjectively by the VL?
Johar: In your Virgin Life you have no Daemon. The Daemon is that subjective part of you that has lived your life before, so in your Virgin Life, as it is your first-run through, there can be no Daemon.
Oh Yeah!!! Silly me!
I misread something Tony said about the VL and the eidolon/daemon dyad.
Johar: You're welcome. Yes, the dyad operates within the Bohmian IMAX of the recurrences, not the Virgin Life.
re: The issue of whether we have a Daemon in our Virgin Life. My position on this is that in the VL we are a unitary being. It is only at the end of the VL that this being 'splits' into the daemon and the Eidolon. This is very much in keeping with the theory of Paul Novak. However as Susan-Marie has rightly pointed out, I would like to think I do not get caught in the theological traps that Novak does.
However an interesting point of debate is the status of VL TLE and schizophrenics (or indeed any person on the right of my "Scale of Transcendence"). Is it possible for them to experience the Daemon in their VL? I suggest that this is possible because the 'illness' they experience may facilitate earlier biforcation of the two elements of consciousness. Of course a reasonable counter proposition is that by definition somebody who experiences TLE or schizophrenia must have already lived their VL.
Any opinions on this?
Tony: Hi, hope Moreton went well!
I completely agree with your thoughts on the unity of the Virgin Life (being Daemon-less), and am pleased that my inital reactions to the questions asked here have been shown to be correct.
(in ITLADic context anyway)
re: Virgin Life Mental Health issues I would say that MOST Mental Health issues are as a result of brain atypicality, and the altered temporal perception of time (within which is the time-lag between what is empirically observed by our whole consciousness and what is then presented as important to our active consciousness).
Now, I think the existence of the Daemon could actually ADD to the Mental Health issues of those living with Schzohrenia, TLE, Bipolar etc as it is an extra voice in the head and indeed if we consider my "Misallignent of the Bohmian IMAX" concept, this can really begin to explain Autism, Schizoaffection and Delusion in a really astonishingly new light.
So to briefly summise,
I don't think evidence of TLE or Schizophrenia necessary means that this person MUST have already lived their Virgin Life as the left-right brain duality and temporal time delay between objective observation and subjective presentation still exist (they have no a-priori necessity for a Daemon), BUT maybe the Daemon then adds to the condition in recurrences, although helping also by providing guidance through ones life, the additional 'voice' and potential of Misalignment could produce some of the symptoms we see as 'remarkable' in those living with certain Mental Health difficulties.
Well you DID ask for opinions, you should know me better by now than to ask my opinion on something!
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