Indeed I will be avaialable for a chat for the next hour or so (1600 UK time on 13th May)
This is the blog site for all who are interested in the theory of what may happen to consciousness at the point of death as explained in the books 'Is There Life After Death - The Extraordinary Science Of What Happens When You Die' and The Daemon - A Guide To Your Extraordinary Secret Self
Fri 4th June 2010 @ 1200 - North Manchester FM
Mon 7th June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Mon 21st June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Thu 29th July 2010 @ 1930 - Eccles Library
Sun 12th September 2010 @ 1430 - Bolton Theosopy Group
Sat 23rd October 2010 @ TBA - Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, USA
Please check my website for further details:
Note: I also do lectures for non-public organisations. Please contact me for further details:
Tony and I had a nice video visit. How amazing it is to be thousands of miles apart and carry on a conversation as if you are in the same room! Unfortunately we learned that only a 2-way video connection is possible. Nevertheless, conferencing via voice is a viable option. I hope several of us can take advantage of the opportunity one day! If you'd like my skype contact info email me via my blog profile and I will reply.
I agree with Robin that it is a perfect way to communicate. Sad that the video link only works with two but we cannot expect perfection!!!
Now I presume (or do I assume? What is the difference? *scratches head*), erm, that in order to utilise this SKYPE type rhubarb to its full potential, I would require one of those webcam type whatnots; am I correct?
If so then forget it, why would a fella with an ego that resides in a cupboard under the stairs have a webcam? I don't even have photos!
Hee Hee!
So, without a webcam I presume (assume?) that one can still have a verbal communication, and even a conference call, of such.
If your ego talks and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If it is such that it can't be seen, can it be heard?
It talks to me occasionally but my motherly SuperEgo keeps it underwraps (poor thing).
And many would say I should be seen and not heard, and that even this is the lesser of two evils!
The Swines!!
Big Sync strikes again! I started reviewing the posts on the blog and wrote my comment above before reading Karl's use of the forest riddle on Roshini's post. I swear I am not a plagiarist!
*points and runs after Robin!*
That was weird, yes. BLIMEY!
lo poco que he podido entender, por mi escaso inglés, me parece interesante.
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