Slowly but surely CTF and ITLAD are becoming more and more known and, even better, accepted by a wider audience. I have received an email from two psychiatrists based in Australia - Dr Mahendra Perera and Dr Gayan Padmasekera. Both have read the book and are both fascinated and intrigued by its implications. However they have now given me the ultimate recognition by asking for my active involvement in the writing of a clinical handbook on Near-Death Experience. It is their intention to write a primer on the NDE phenomenon for clinicians in medical and health environments. They not only request that I write a chapter but also that I become a member of the editorial team of the book. I am very honoured.
Indeed both Mahendra and Gayan will be presenting a symposium on NDE at the forthcoming RANZCP (The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychaitrists) and plan to discuss the implications of itlad and CTF with the delegates. Honour indeed.
To check this out please follow this hyperlink:
What is rather frustrating about this is that as far as I am aware ITLAD is yet to be published in Australia. However it is available in New Zealand.
Just want to congratulate you on how much things seem to be taking off for you Tony. Your book along with this site really is gaining more and more momentum and i think you are destined for very big things.
So happy to see things a going well.
HB: Thanks for your comment. In many ways I am starting to see this as a collective as well as individual thing. It is contributors like you that make this blog what it is. I am hoping that at some time in the near future that the people who run blogger itself will spot are little place here and place it on "Blogs of Note".
Congratulations, Tony!!! I have said to you *ad nauseum* that if it was not for Susan Marie, I would never have known of your book, as she posted it to me before we even became Quantumly Entangled!!! Looks like things will now take off Down Under and its about time!!! Good Luck and may your star rise high!!!
It would be good to see your comments in main stream medical journals/books in the UK. I'd be able to hold it aloft to the doctors at work who tell me I'm talking rubbish!!!!!
I can only think that with the coming of the second book things are just going to get BIGGER!!
You must be chuffed to bits!
p.s How's your shoulder?
Congratulations mate, it's about time you got the Southern Hemisphere recognition.
I suggest the fair Jesamyn be our ITLADic Aussie Reporter on the press coverage (I'll ask her when she's a tad Champagne-infused)
Excellent news Tony, do you think we can now get Fortean Times interested?? *Shakes fist*
Just received an email from the two doctors in question. They have had a quick look through the blog and they like what they see. They are very keen to join in with our discussions and debates.
I will be sending their invites later this morning.
JOHAR: Thanks for asking (ditto for those of you who emailed me) The operation on my shoulder took place at 1800 last night. By 2000 I was on my way home. I have had a fairly painful and sleepless night but I do already sense an improvement. Rather difficult to type at the moment though!!!!
Yay! Melbourne is where we are: if you're ever here, then we can meet up at one of the many pubs in the city and chat (in the plural, if you're interested!).
I haven't seen any of your books published here, and still haven't been able to read ITLAD, sadly. We will as soon as we can find the book xD
Glad your shoulder is going well: sorry if we've been a bit quiet. The thesis is gnawing on my time like pirahna.
SERAPH: It is frustrating that no Australian distributor took up options on the book. Very strange because there seem to be many Aussies taken by the idea of ITLAD and CTF and I have had a really positive review in NEXUS and and article published in NEW DAWN.
I know that it is selling quite well in New Zealand.
Maybe this will act as a spur to some enlightened Aussie publisher.
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