Very interesting...
Radiology Picture of the Day
The brain section is fascinating!
Of course, the image provided here is a tribute to Tony...
This is the blog site for all who are interested in the theory of what may happen to consciousness at the point of death as explained in the books 'Is There Life After Death - The Extraordinary Science Of What Happens When You Die' and The Daemon - A Guide To Your Extraordinary Secret Self
Fri 4th June 2010 @ 1200 - North Manchester FM
Mon 7th June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Mon 21st June 2010 @ 1500 - BBC Radio Merseyside
Thu 29th July 2010 @ 1930 - Eccles Library
Sun 12th September 2010 @ 1430 - Bolton Theosopy Group
Sat 23rd October 2010 @ TBA - Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, USA
Please check my website for further details:
Note: I also do lectures for non-public organisations. Please contact me for further details:
The question is how did these people nick my X-ray from The Murreyfield Hospital in Birkenhead?
Shoulder is slowly improving and I can move my arm into positions I could only have dreamed of a few days ago!!!!
Good to be 'normal' again.
Thanks Robin!
Glad you're on the mend Tony, Keep well.
Tommy Cooper Gag!!
Tommy - "Doctor, it hurts when I do this"
*raises arm above head*
Doctor - "Well, don't do it then!"
Hahaha - just like that.
Glad that you will soon be able to place your arm in the place it should be again Tony: horizontal to your face with a nice pint in your grasp!
*damn, remembers it is my round*
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