Friday, 16 May 2008
Dr. Alan Roberts on Deja Vu

A few weeks ago Alan did a presentation in which he examines Halliday's philosophy on deja vu in the light of my theories. This is a fascinating lecture and I suggest that if you have the time please do check it out. It can be found at http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oybtRqwcr5M.
I am deeply honoured that others are now applying itladian philosophy to their own ideas on the nature of reality. Indeed to have my ideas discussed in the same lecture as Eugene Halliday's is honour indeed.
Thank you Alan.
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Tony: FANTASTIC! I shall watch this with my customary fascination and studious nature this evening.
I urge anyone who has read ITLAD to read much of Eugene Halliday's work, especially "Reflexive Self-Consciousness".
Thank you to Alan for posting this on YouTube (I shall buy you a pint as my honour next time we meet Alan), and thank you Tony for bringing this to our collective attention.
To Tony, Alan Roberts, and ALL:
Thank you Tony, and please thank Alan from me also, for directing me to the YouTube video of his remarkable and fantasticly interesting Deja Vu/Eugene Halliday/Peakeian talk.
TREMENDOUS stuff, I loved it.
I was literally screaming at the screen things like “DEJA VECU”, “EFRON THESIS”, PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION” and of course “COLLAPSING THE CONSCIOUSNESS WAVE” plus the occasional “BIGTOE” for comedic value.
WOW, it is a crying shame that neither you nor I were there; we could have opened eyes wider than imaginable (and ISHVALian eyes are already very wide open anyway).
I have watched all 9 ten-minute sections TWICE (as I wont to do with most things of such importance) over the last 2 nights
and cannot recommend this more to ITALDists everywhere more highly that it is a MUST SEE!
But massive thank you for feeding my hungry brain Tony and Alan.
I shall listen to the full audio of Eugene's "Deja Vu" lecture tomorrow as personal reward for completing a very, very and (nay) thrice very busy day.
Tony is completely correct when he says that between his glorious ITLAD and CTF/ Eugene's "Reflexive Self-Consciousness" and my new theory around the Consciousness Field, we have the makings of some new all encompassing and wonderful UBER Theory!
Thanks again.
ITLADist, watch it! It is worth the time and will enrich your understanding.
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