I won’t attempt to delve too deeply into this fascinating subject for fear of not doing it justice. What I will say is it completely changed my way of thinking. If you are unfamiliar with plasma cosmology I highly recommend you take the time to do some research. It sets forth the canvas from which many of the ideas discussed on this blog spring forth. A great primer on this subject can be found at the below listed web site:
"Mainstream science, for the most part, looks on the universe as electrically neutral and purely mechanical; a place where the weak force of gravity holds fort. Plasma Cosmology, by contrast, acknowledges the electrodynamic nature of the universe. Gravity and inertia are NOT the only forces at work."
RAC: Do I detect an electronics background to your history by any chance?
Robert, yes, interesting post and it will probably come as little surprise that I’ve read a few books on Hannes Alfvén’s ‘Plasma Cosmology’ ideas, and the development of those in later works by varied authors, including David Talbott and the fabulously contentious book “Worlds In Collision” by Immanuel Velikovsky.
My understanding is that while Plasma Cosmology is deeply interesting, it is also a non-standard cosmology (being a physical cosmological model of the universe that has been, or still is, proposed as an alternative to the big bang) and generally provides qualitative descriptions and no systematic explanation for the standard features of mainstream cosmological theories such as detailed simulations of the correlation function of the universe; primordial nucleosynthesis; and fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation to name but a smattering!
But as I embrace all theories it is still intriguing even if somewhat controversial and flawed in my opinion.
As you are relatively (pun very much intended) new to our ever increasing group of theorists I wonder if you would find interesting a post of mine from, ooooh a while back now, which you may not have seen, in which I considered a new approach to Quantum Gravity.
Here is a link to the post and the remarkable discussion that myself and Ken had into the hard science behind my concept, and it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on it given this post and my full agreement that 'Gravity and Inertia are NOT the only forces at work'
(in fact, far from it!)
Quantum Gravity
Karl: I would first affectionately ask if you are perhaps from a different planet? Your breadth of knowledge and comprehension is certainly out-of-this-world like. As such, I feel considerably out gunned in making my reply ;-)
I found the post you referenced quite interesting, if not more than just a little mathematically above me. What I did notice though was a lack of magnetic force applied to your argument. This I feel is plasma cosmology’s greatest strength: a.) magnetism is a force many times more powerful than gravity b.) ‘electron current’ could care less about gravity but is deeply affected (and controlled) by magnetism.
The most convincing argument for me of a plasma universe is the visual evidence. One need only observe photographic images of our cosmos to understand the forces of electricity at play. And yes, your observation of an electronics background is correct. Therefore, I readily admit the bias of my point of view.
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Max Planck
I like it when I am asked things affectionately!
Thank you for your comments Robert, I did think my head full of knowledge was just from 37 years of being inquisitive and reading everything I can get my hands on but I'm beginning to wonder if it's all a cumulative result of thousands of years of Daemonically guided returns!
The electromagnetic force is applied to my Quantum Gravity post as I mention the Planck Constant being the shortest wavelength that electromagnetism can function at, and at Quantum levels both gravity and electromagnetism are almost negligible in comparison to the Strong Nuclear Force.
And I do agree that magnetism is stronger than gravity in relativity but at increasing mass levels Gravity would dominate all of the fundamental forces including magnetism.
Great post though Robert, I knew you'd be a valuable acquisition for this blog.
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Max Planck
Yes, Max was constantly going on about that wasn't he!!!
*oh how we all fell about in sticthes*
"Damn, I'm out of bullets." ;-)
I went to the link you provided and watched the thunderbolts video. Enjoyed it very much. I can't comment about the science as I am not qualified, but here is a bit of synchronicity. A couple of days back I posted a link about the Flower of Life, because I thought Anthony might be interested. Afterwards I was thinking about various common imagery throughout different cultures. On my desk were two books. One was The Portable Dragon, A Western Guide to the I Ching and the other was called The Angel and the Dragon. A question came to me as to why the dragon is such a common image throughout the world, and what is its underyling meaning. I had this urge to bring this up on the blog but thought better of it. Then I watch that video and there is a suggested answer!
Ra from Ca: Thanks for pointing out that wonderful video: THUNDERBOLTS OF THE GODS. I had almost forgotten about it until you mentioned it.
I too share your dragon/serpent curiosity. I read awhile back that evidence of dragon/serpent worship predates all other forms of religion.
And to add to the synchronicity, I was just thinking of writing a post related to the I-Ching. I was wondering if the proposed cyclic nature of events described in the I-Ching might somehow relate to the perception of a life relived.
I would be most interested in your post about the I-Ching. Did you notice that Susan Marie mentioned it as well in another comment in another post?
Ra from Ca: I too would like to hear what Robert has to say on the I-Ching.
The I-Ching has been mentioned on here many times from Buddhist Samadhi posts to Aleister Crowley Occultism posts and many many more (including my own Biorhythm work) but as in the evolution of anything one should always leave to door open for new ideas and viewpoints.
The I-Ching has fascinated me since it was at university back in the early 1970's. I was introduced to this by a great friend of mine Robert Hoagland Steen. "Bob" was one of these polymaths that one comes across a few times in a lifetime (I suspect that there are a few more in our little group!). As an American who had been educated in Europe (English public school and Cambridge before he ended up at Warwick) and a young man of, let us say, considerable disposable income, he was in the wonderful position (both intellectually and financially) to follow where is ideas took him. I tagged along for the ride. Maybe in another posting I will describe some of the adventures we had following ghosts and occult happenings around the leafy Warwickshire backroads.
I have an abiding memory of Bob, harrow stalks in hand and the scent of josh sticks in the air, applying the original method of extracting the hexagrams and thaen interpreting the highly symbolic advice.
Bob is due over in the UK this Summer. I have not seen or spoken to him for 25 years. He spotted my book in a bookshop in Chicago and wondered if it was the same "Anthony Peake" that he knew. He contacted me via the website.
I am hoping that in due course that Bob will join in with our little group here and in doing so assist us in flying to even higher heights!!!
Typo. Read 'yarrow stalks' for 'harrow sticks'. Must have public schools on my mind this morning. Must go back to Eton my breakfast!
Tony: HA! HA!
I'm Eatin' Trifles!
(Jam, obviously)
*oh what joy we have known*
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