Tuesday, 3 June 2008
City Talk Radio

Any questions can be emailed to dean@citytalk.fm . If he gets them in advance he may then be able to schedule them in a logical fashion. Clearly we will not be able to get through themm all but it is my hope that I will get invited back at some time in the future (fingers crossed).
If you are in a position to phone in please ring in on ++ 44 (0) 151 708 1059. 44 is the international code for the UK. The ++ is whatever digits are added for an international line in your country (usually 00). Callers in the UK should add the 0 and dial 0151 708 1059.
I look forward to a very interesting time. Remember - to listen in on the web go to:
http://www.citytalk.fm/ and click on 'listen live'.
I will be following in the footsteps of some very famous people. Paul McCartney was interviewed in the very same studio yesterday!!!
As you will note from the picture I will cerainly need a head for heights - the studios are at the top of this tower!!!
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Tony: Thanks for the update.
I think I will have to be taking an uncharacteristic 'back-seat' for this one as I am tutoring tomorrow afternoon and hoped to craftily schedule a break for 2:00-2:30 to listen but I'm not sure I can spread that to an hour!
(although you never know just what I CAN do if I set my mind to it).
I may send in a pre-show emailed question along the likes of the ones I ask you often, to which your eyes usually extend and a brief moment of sheer panic spreads across your face! But I wouldn't do that to you live on air, mate.
In the pub is a different matter!
Can anyone record this or will there be a listen again fascility do you know?
Good Luck and remember........
Don't Look Up!!!
Tony: I am so happy to hear of the extended time: It tempts me to extend my question! (which I will email to the host tonight). But this is wonderful; I truly believe there is so much in your eidolon/daemon dyad concept which can enrich and inform American discourse, particularly within the disciplines of academia, as nothing else can. I hope also that you will be able to get the posted remarks to my blog site: It is an honor to have the subject of my most sublime reflections remark himself on them! I told KLLM that there are comments pending this summer from 5 professors of philosophy; plus my NYC publishing of the piece, plus a whirl at the Provincetown intelligensia. You and K are being exported to the Americans by slow and steady and determined steps. I will bring all that I can to its rightful conclusion.
Hellloo. I am staying up past my bedtime to join in!!
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