Friday 18 February 2011

Peake Accepts Fellowship

PRLog (Press Release) – Feb 18, 2011 – British author and binary mind theorist Anthony Peake has been awarded a prestigious fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study at  Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University in Tuscany,  Italy.  

From the University's website:

"In Tuscany, a new academic institute devoted to consciousness and sustainable transformation.

The Center for Advanced Study is the academic and research center of excellence for the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University."

Said Anthony Peake of his being offered the fellowship,  which he readily accepted: 

" . . . I received a stunning email from Professor Ervin Laszlo.   He asked me if I would accept a research fellowship at the Center For Advanced Studies at the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University. I had to pinch myself as I was sure I was dreaming this. I read and re-read the email to make sure that I was not misinterpreting what one of my all-time intellectual heroes was offering ...... and yes, it was real and a genuine offer."

The Research Fellowship will allow Peake to do research into his binary mind theory,  which he terms,  "Cheating the Ferryman",  about a second self residing within human consciousness which directs the individual in life and at death.

Peake has expounded on this theory in two books,  "Is There Life After Death?:  The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die"  (Chartwell Books,  2006)  and "The Daemon:  A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self"  ( Arcturus Publishing,  2008),  and has two additional books pending publication in Europe.

He will also delve into his   "Intromatic Model" under the auspices of the University and will  be invited to lecture on his  subject at the campus in Italy as a full staff member. This will also allow him  to network with many of the World's leading authorities in science, politics and the ecological movement.

Says Peake,  " I have received a confidential list of those involved and I am simply stunned. This includes really famous politicians (and I mean "world famous") and even some celebrities from the world of entertainment. Professor Laszlo has certainly pulled out the stops with this one."

For more information on the University, visit :

and Anthony Peake's Global Forum may be viewed at :

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Sunday 13 February 2011

Robert Waggoner on Anthony Peake series

PR LOG PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Release: Feb 13, 2011 – NEW YORK CITY, NY -Robert Waggoner ( who is author of "Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self" will be appearing on British binary mind theorist Anthony Peake's show, "The Peake Experience" at noon eastern time today, Sunday, February 13.

Anthony Peake hosts the show and discusses various aspects of human consciousness - including lucid dreaming, near death experience, out of body experience, astral travel, quantum consciousness, and eternal recurrence. - with his guests, who include globally renowned authors and scholars.

He is creator of the "Cheating the Ferryman" theory , about a second self which resides in human consciousness and contains a shocking secret for the individual at the point of death.

Peake is author of "Is There Life After Death?: The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die" (Chartwell Books, 2006), and "The Daemon: A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self" (Arcturus Publishing, 2008). 

From Soup Media Network:

"Author of Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, (see ) Robert Waggoner, is the past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) . For the past ten years, he has been the co-editor of the online magazine, The Lucid Dream Exchange, the only ongoing publication devoted specifically to lucid dreaming. A lucid dreamer since 1975, he has logged more than 1,000 lucid dreams.
Robert frequently speaks on lucid dreaming at national and international dream conferences, workshops and college classrooms, like Sonoma State University, Iowa State University, University of Washington and Evergreen State College.  Robert intends to speak in London, UK on June 18/19, 2011 and possibly other venues on his way to the IASD conference in Kerkrade, Netherlands (June 24-29th).
Robert has been interviewed by CNN about the practice of lucid dreaming and ABC News, as a lucid dream expert on the movie, Inception. Robert had a regular show on Iowa Public Radio during most of 2009-10, discussing dreams and lucid dreams.
Please join Tony and Robert on Sunday, Feb. 13th at noon Eastern for The Peake Experience on Unraveling the Secrets TV"

Tune in live at noon eastern time @

Today noon Eastern time: Robert Waggoner on Anthony Peake series
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Friday 4 February 2011

Anthony Peake will be "Special Evening Event" at Glastonbury Symposium this July

PRLog (Press Release) – Feb 04, 2011 – On Sunday, July 24,  2011,  British author and binary mind theorist Anthony Peake will be featured as the "Special Evening Event"  at Glastonbury's Symposium,  in Somerset,  UK.

From their website:

"The Glastonbury Symposium is one of England's longest-established and acclaimed 'alternative' conferences, where the audience is often as interesting as the speakers!

Held in the unique environs of the fascinating and varied town of Glastonbury in Somerset, the Symposium has grown and evolved massively since its inauguration at the Blue Note Café in 1990." 

Anthony Peake is author of "Is There Life After Death?:  The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die" (Chartwell Books,  2006)  and "The Daemon:  A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self"  (Arcturus Publishing,  2008),  and has 2 additional books pending publication.

His "Cheating the Ferryman"  thesis,  about a second self hidden within human consciousness which contains a shocking secret for us at death,  was lauded by the Journal of Near Death Studies as "one of the most innovative and provocative"  immortality theories ever.

Peake has lectured extensively throughout Great Britain, Europe, and the United States,  and has been featured on Sweden's Red Ice Radio,  Edge Media TV in the UK,  as well as numerous other radio and television programs,  including the BBC.

For more information,  go to:

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Thursday 3 February 2011

Red Ice Radio: Tom Campbell and Anthony Peake

British authors and theorists Anthony Peake and Tom Campbell discuss quantum consciousness on Red Ice Radio.

PRLog (Press Release) – Feb 03, 2011 – A recording of a three-way discussion between British binary mind theorist Anthony Peake,  nuclear physicist Dr. Tom Campbell,  and Henrik Palmgren of Sweden's Red Ice Radio can be listened to at

The program was aired February 1,  and centers around the idea that human consciousness creates reality.  

From the Red Ice Radio website,  here is a synopsis of Peake and Campbell's work,  which invokes a heady radio discussion which Peake feels may "become a classic" of it's genre: 

Anthony Peake is a British binary mind theorist and author from Wirral, England. His work focuses on near-death experience, deja vu and the nature of reality. Peake has suggested a different explanation as to what happens to human consciousness at the point of death. This theory, which he terms Cheating the Ferryman was first published in the International Journal of Near Death Studies in 2004.

The theory involves a Peake's unorthodox interpretation of the latest theories of quantum mechanics, neurology and consciousness studies and concludes that at the point of death the dying person is presented with a literal minute-by-minute recreation of their life in 'real time' from their subjective viewpoint. Peake is author of Is There Life After Death?: The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die and The and has a trilogy of books pending publication.

Tom Campbell began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s. Campbell has been experimenting with, and exploring the subjective and objective mind ever since. For the past thirty years, Campbell has been focused on scientifically exploring the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness. In a previous Red Ice program he shared his "Big TOE" (Theory of Everything), which is a model of existence and reality that is based directly on Campbell's scientific research and firsthand experience. In this special two hour joint interview, Anthony and Tom discuss the nature of reality and consciousness. Topics Discussed: Theory of Everything, David Bohm, Carl Prigram, many valid ways of approaching truth, physical, metaphysical, brain portal, time, perception, waking dream, enfoldement, language, metaphor, informational fields, probability, virtual reality, databases, digitally processed reality, lucid dreaming, walker group, god, larger consciousness, Über-daemon, novelty, life is a unity, theodicy, data field, god, intent, collapse of the wave function, diode tunneling effects, quantum mechanics, UFO's, ET's, pattern matching, lost the magic relationship to reality, belief, the scientific model, hallucinogenic substances, DMT, switching data streams, awareness, totem, temporally lobe epilepsy, pre cognitive ability, doomsday timelines, feedback, Rupert Sheldrake, morphic resonance, the hundredth monkey effect, TM meditation, The Intention Experiment, skeptics, the placebo effect, and quantum mechanics."

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