Tuesday 27 January 2009

Anthony Peake at The National Theatre - 6:30pm Friday 24th July 2009

For those of you in London there is now an opportunity to be involved in an event that will be discussing on of the most interesting areas of my theory, the nature of time.

I have been invited by the National Theatre in London to be involved in an event they call "Platform".

These are panel discussions that take place before the main performance of a play. In this case the play will be J.B. Priestley's Time And The Conways. This is one of the three so-called "Time Plays" that Priestley wrote in an attempt to explain and popularise the theories of philosopher-engineer J.W.Dunne.

The discussions usually last for around forty five minutes. The first twenty five minutes involves the guest and the chairperson in an interview-like format in which they discuss a particular theme and then the final twenty minutes allow audience participation.

The theme will be Dunne's theories and will involve myself and a physicist (yet to be decided). The theatre are interested in having me involved because in my first book I discuss in some detail Priestley's "Time Plays", in particular the rarely performed I Have Been Here Before". Indeed this play contains many elements of my "Cheating The Ferryman" theory so I am delighted to be given a (literal) stage to present this theory. Priestley, like myself, was fascinated by the implications of Dunne's famous (at the time) book An Experiment With Time. Indeed it was my intention in writing my first book, to attempt a version of this book for the 21st century. It is for others to decide if I have succeeeded.

The list of individuals who have done Platform discussions before me is a real roll call of the famous and talented: Julie Walters, Richard Attenborough, David Attenborough, Shirley Williams, Roy Hattersley, Vanessa Redgrave, Corin Redgrave, Doris Lessing, Helen Mirren, Peter Hall, Judi Dench, Germain Greer, Alain de Botton, Lauren Bacall, Alan Bennett, Jane Fonda, Phillip Pullman, The Archbishop of Canterbury and ..... Anthony Peake!

Words cannot express how honoured I am to be involved in this presentation. I am hopeful that this may be the first event that will bring "Cheating The Ferryman" out of the shadows and into the public domain. It is then up to the public to decide if it is a valid and rerasonable attempt to understand the human condition.

For those interested in attending the event will start at 6:00pm on Friday 24th July 2009. It will be in the Lyttleton Theatre.

Saturday 24 January 2009

PORTAL Interview Posted

The PORTAL Radio interview has already been posted on the web. For anybody interested this can be listened to at:


Friday 23 January 2009

Portal Radio Interview

I have been very active in the last few weeks as regards radio interviews. Three weeks ago I was invited back for the third time to talk at City Talk Radio in the city of Liverpool. Last Friday morning saw me back at KUCI Radio of Orange County in California. Again this was the third time that Robert Larson has discussed my theories on his show "Out Of The Rabbit Hole".

I am sure that many of you are probably interview-fatigued by now but if you are interested in checking out another one will be interviewd live, this afternoon on New Engand's Portal Radio.

I have checked out their site this morning and they have really done my proud. They are clearly hopeful for a large audience. I will be on air for about an hour or so. I do not know ifv they have phone-in facilities or not but I am sure they will announce this when the show starts.

The link to their site is http://www.portaltalkradio.com/WELCOME.html[/url].

Wednesday 21 January 2009

New Book by an Itladian!

James Hunt, member of this Blogsite and my FORUM (www.anthonypeake.com/forum) has just published the second edition of his exceptional book Into This World We're Born".

James honoured me last year by sending me a signed copy of the first edition. I read it over a period of three days and I really enjoyed it. James had been motivated to send his book to me after reading my book and seeing many parallels between my "Cheating The Ferryman" theory and the life and lyrics of the subject of James' book, the late and very great Jim Morrison of the band The Doors.

I had long known that Morrison had decided on the band's name after reading Aldous Huxley's book "The Doors of Perception", but it took James (Hunt) to point out to me just how linked Jim (Morrison)'s philosophy on life was to that of my own.

I am now delighted that James is getting the recognition he deserves. This book is simply amazing and I would strongly advise anybody interested in rock music to read it. Indeed words cannot express how honoured I am to have my comments on the book to be gracing the back cover with those of the great Ray Manzarek, the keyboard player responsible for those wonderful opening bars of the Doors song "The End" (now forever associated with one of my all time favourite movies, "Apocalypse Now"). Indeed a little known fact is that the Doors lacked a bassist so Ray normally pl;ayed that role as well using a Fender Rhodes piano.

If you have very good eyesight you might just be able to read what Ray and I write about Jim's book!

Oh, and another slightly synchronistic event that you may find amusing.

The link below is the one of the nine YouTube videos of a talk I gave at Dr. Alan Robert's home in Hoylake, here on Wirral.


Now fast forward it to about 1 minute 3 seconds in. Now what do you see ..........???

For clarification; this PowerPoint presentation was designed in January 2008. I received the copy of Jim's book at least three months later

Monday 19 January 2009

Can you really count? A lesson in perception.

I have recently become very interested in how the brain manages to count when focusing on a moving object such as a bouncing ball. Below is a link to a video that I would like you all to watch. You will see two teams , one team is wearing black and the other white. While you are watching it I want you to count how many passes are made by either team -that is passes made by a white team member to another white team member. Do not count the passes made by a white team member to a black team member.

At the end of the video record the number of passes and respond by posting that number as a ‘comment’ below.
It is important that if you have seen this experiment before, and therefore know the ‘correct’ answer, please do not ruin this experiment by giving away the answer.

The video can be found here:


I will also be placing this on my FORUM.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

A ballet dancer gave up the ghost

Raluca îmi vesteşte, după ce a citit necrologul de la intrarea în Opera din Timişoara, că Ivan Bota - o bună cunoştinţă de familie - s-a mutat la cele veşnice. Am făcut cunoştinţă cu el prin 1983. Era balerin şi l-am văzut în câteva spectacole de balet montate în acei ani la Operă: Giselle, Fântâna din Bahcisarai, Lacul lebedelor, Spărgătorul de nuci etc. În ultimii zece ani a devenit regizor tehnic la TNT şi la Operă.
În urmă cu 25 de ani (atunci când eram mai apropiaţi), Ivan era un gentleman şi partenera sa de atunci – dacă ţin bine minte - a profitat de cumsecădenia şi politeţea lui. Tatăl meu (step), care nu suporta să cânte găina într-o relaţie, a asistat scandalizat la mica ieşire „feministă” a celei care avea să-i devină curând soţie (eram toţi în apartamentul de pe Intrarea Pandurilor) şi l-a dojenit într-un mod foarte ne-cumsecade şi ne-politicos (într-un cuvânt: olteneşte) pentru slăbiciunea lui. Împreună cu femeia sa (om gospodar şi familist, Ivan a făcut casă bună cu cea care – once upon a time - a stârnit reacţia colerică şi „antifeministă” a tatălui meu vitreg) l-au adoptat pe Bogdan, un băiat isteţ pe care, iată, l-au adus până în pragul celor 20 de ani.
Ultima oară l-am văzut pe Ivan pe 17 decembrie 2008, când Theodor a urcat pentru întâia oară pe scenă în spectacolul de Crăciun la care a fost invitat Grigore Leşe. Un an mai târziu, cu ocazia spectacolulului regizat de Ada Lupu, în care Theodor – alături de soprana Daniela Vlădescu, de actriţa Paula Frunzetti şi de un grup de copii - a cântat două zile la rând (pe 21 & 22 decembrie 2009), Ivan nu mai era la cabina din culise. M-am interesat şi am aflat că are mari probleme cu rinichii (făcea dializă) şi e internat la reanimare. Să-i fie ţărâna uşoară.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

KUCI Interview Confirmed

Just received an email from Robert Larson to confirm that my interview with KUCI radio will go ahead on Thursday evening (US time) and early Friday morning (UK time). The local times will be 1700 Californian time and 0100 UK time.

As you may recall my last interview in December only lasted half an hour due to difficulties with the transatlantic phone lines. This one will last the full hour (without breaks) so I will have the opportunity to really discuss in detail my latest book. Robert has readb both my books and is fully aware of the theory. As such this promises to be an excellent interview.

This can be listened to live at http://www.kuci.org/talk and by tuning into KUCI on 88.9 fm in Orange County, California. Robert always places podcasts of his interviews on the KUCI site and also on his own MySpace location at http://www.myspace.com/outtherabbithole

Friday 9 January 2009

Final details about tonight's interview.

Below are the details sent out by City Talk last night. It gives all the details regarding the tonight's show:


Tonight we start a brand new show on City Talk 105.9FM called "Zone Unknown"10pm (GMT) Friday 9th January 2009

10pm: Anthony Peake will be with with us in the studio to talk about histheories about life after death. This guy is truly mind blowing.

11pm Most Haunted Live in Liverpool. We'll be joined by the Most Haunted team inthe studio to discuss this weeks 7 day extravaganza on Living TV

12 Midnight: We take a look at the world of Conspiracy Theories with Jerry E Smith, a man who claims that the Government can manipulate the weather and usesit as a weapon of war.

Want to join in?CALL: 0151 708 1059
TEXT: Start you're message with the word TALK then send it to 60125 (25p +Network charge)EMAIL: roy@citytalk.fm

I have never been called "Mind Blowing" before. My theory maybe so, but I'm quite an ordinary kind of guy!

Thursday 8 January 2009

Scientific & Medical Network Presentation - 7th February

As many of you will know I am a fairly active member of The Scientific & Medical Network (The SMN). I have done various lectures for them across the country and I have been invited back for the third time to talkto the Manchester Group.

Usually this takes place at the home of the local organisor, Christine Heaton. However because she is of the impression that attendance may be slightly larger than usual she has hired a room in St Claire's Friary in Higher Blackley, Manchester. The meeting will start at 11:00 am and finish around 4:00pm

This looks to be a very interesting day. I will be lecturing on my new book in the morning and in the afternoon a philosopher will discuss his new theory about Near-Death Experience.

It promises to be a really interesting day ... and possibly an opportunity for some of you folks out there to not only get along to one of my talks but also meet some interesting people (and some fellow itladians).

If you are interested please contact Christina Heaton at christinaheaton@msn.com for further details.

Latest Magazine interview in the USA - "Alternative Perceptions"

An interview I did with the editor of "Mysterious America" and "Alternative Perceptions" (Brent Raynes) has just been published. It is also available for reading on-line at:

I am really pleased with this interview. Brent's questions forced me to present a short precis of the theory (up until now something I have found difficult to do). I think in this interview I succeed quite well.His questions were well thought through and they allowed me to go into areas that I do not usually have the opportunity to discuss in media interviews.Brent's website and magazine are very popular in the USA and I know that they are read by some influential individuals in the field of Fortean research.
This will be the start of a busy few weeks for me. Tomorrow night I will be interviewed live on the radio station CityTalk. This is my third interview with these guys and my second with Roy Basnett. This will be broadcast live across Merseyside, Southern Lancashire and North Wales. This has a catchment area of several million potential listeners so I am looking forward to this. The interview will go out at 10:00 pm and will be for maybe up to an hour. It will be broadcast on 105.9 FM. This can also be listened to online for those of you out of range of the FM signal. This is at www.citytalk.fm
The following Thursday evening/Friday morning I will be interviewed yet again by Robert larson of KUCI Radio. This live interview is scheduled to be broadcast at 1700 Californian time on Thursday which will be 0100 on Friday morning (the 16th) for me. You may recall that Robert and I only had half an hour last time so this time it will be the full hour. This can be listened to at www.kuci.org/talk and again a podcast will be available to download a few hours later.
There are more radio and magazine interviews planned for late January, early February. I will let you know of these nearer the date.

A Closer View

This is a close up of page 91 of "Permutation City" by Greg Egan (discussed below).

This book gets better and better. Pure itlad. I am now about half way through and it is an absolute delight to read.

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Synchronistic "Reality Check"?

As you all know my books suggest that many of us are living within an inwardly generated illusion that I term "The Bohmian IMAX". This fabricated universe, similar in many ways to the "Matrix" (and even more similar to the 'world' perceived by David Aames in the movie "Vanilla Sky" and Jacob Singer in the movie "Jacob's Ladder".

If I am right then the world I perceive as real is generated by my mind and manipulated by my Daemon. Sometimes these manipulations are placed as clues to the real nature of what is happening.

Whether I actually believe this to be the case as an absolute truth is open to debate . I know that there is strong circumstantial evidence to believe it to be so but I may be misinterpreting this information and the 'truth' is very different.

But just sometimes an event takes place that not only presents me with strong evidence that the reality around me is being manipulated ... a manipulation that is both significant and directly related to the circumstances surrounding it. These events are similar to those experienced in Philip K Dick's book UBIK. Clues to the deeper nature of reality deliberately placed to jolt the observer out of complacency.

The event that took place two evenings ago has both fascinated and (I must be honest) scared me a little bit. It really does seem to be a message. Lets see what you guys make of it.

Just before Christmas I came across a reference to a book that seemed really itladian in its content I referred to this book elsewhere. it is called "Permutation City" by Greg Egan.

I managed to source a copy and I started reading it about a week ago. Because of other distractions I have not made particularly good progress ... which is annoying because the book is exceptional. It is profoundly Dickian and creates a world in which the 'about to die' are, in the final seconds of their life, have a full body scan down to the molecular level. This scan includes all the neuronal pathways of the brain. The data is then downloaded into a super computer and the person is 'recreated' as a simulation within a world very similar to a super-realistic "Second life".

Those of you that have been on this site will know that you can create an "Avatar" of yourself and this sprite 'exists' within the cyber universe of SL. Egan's book takes this to its logical conclusion (surprisingly prescient in that he wrote this book in 1994). In the book the equivalent of an SL avatar, called a "Copy" is created from the scaned data. It creates an absolutely physically identical cyber-clone of the dying person ... a cyber-clone that also has all the memories and personality of the subject. These "Copies" are self-aware and believe themselves to be a literal continuity of the now dead subject.... does it remind you of another theory close to our hearts?

I am really enjoying the huge parallels with my "Cheating The Ferryman" theory ... particularly Egan's plot device whereby the cyberreality can be manipulated by the programmers without the knowledge of the "Copies". Things like synchronicities and coincidences are evidence of manipulation. (Another Dickian similarity is that living people can have simulations of themselves generated in the programme to directly communicate with "The Copies" - just as happens in the PKD novel - and movie "Total Recall").

Now this is where it becomes strange ... and frighteningly self-reflective.

Two das ago I met our fellow Itladian and member of this Blogsite, Ed (Its Cool To Care) Gilchrist at the Costa's coffee shop in Borders at Speke, near Liverpool.

Ed had phoned me just before lunch suggesting that we meet up. I made my way across and Ed had already arrived, two steaming mugs of welcoming capucchino (capucchini?) on the table. After a general chat things moved to isuues itladian. Ed described to me a theory he had with regard to his son, Mark. As you may be aware if you are a regular reader of this Blogsite, Mark is profoundly autistic. Ed described how he thought that Mark's concept of time seriality was different to 'normal' people. He suggested that whereas in our lives events progress from one to another, that one event effectively brings about another creates, in the 'normal' mind the illusion of time. As Ed described it "A brings about B, which leads to C". This continuity defines how we become "aware". We become sentient by perceiving past-present-future. Ed then said for Mark the sequence doesn't work. His autism facilitates are very different perception of time. Events become discrete and do not follow on from each other. In this way Mark exists in a continual present whereby events perceived six months ago meld with an event perceived 'now'. Indeed we debated that even the 'future' may be perceived in this way by Mark. This is why he becomes so confused.

A great theory and one that I hope Ed will post on soon. However that is not what intrigued and scared me ... that happened that evening as I was on my way home on the bus.

I had not read "Permutation City" for a few days but something made me pick it up and read from where I had left off. I had literally read two pages and I turned the pages over. My eye caught a red ink mark on the last paragraph of page 90 and the first paragraph of page 91. This consisted of a line and a question mark. This was weird. This was a library that had only been loaned out twice according to the stamp section in the last 18 months. One of those readers had decided, for some odd reason, to specifically mark a paragraph. But for whose attention? We all sometimes may make a note in a book but that is when the book belongs to us and we wish to check the reference again sometime in the future. No, this had been placed in the book for somebody to read .. a future reader who decides to take the book out on loan.

And then I read what the paragraph actually said ... and in horror, and then wonder, realised it was for me!!!!!! Something had manipulated the BIMAX (or at least my BIMAX) to give me an absolute categoric clue that something is not quite right about my reality.
Egan had written the following:

"In a human, or Copy being run the usual way, the physics of brain or computer meant that the state of mind at any one moment directly influenced the state of mind that followed. Continuity was a dsimple matter of cause and effect; what you thought at time A affected what you thought at time B affected what you thought at time C....But when his subjective time was scrambled, the flow of cause and effect within the computer bore no relationship whatsoever to the flow of his experience - so how could it be an essential part of it?

When the programme spelt out his life DBCEA, but it still felt exactly like ABCDE .... then surely the pattern was all, and cause and effect were irrelevant. the whole experience might just as well have arisen by chance." (pages 90-91 Permuation City by Greg Egan . Millennium Books 1994).

Now this is a 'significant coincidence' on so many levels. Indeed Egan uses almost exactly the same words that Ed did to me that very afternoon!!!!

Now the only explanation is that Ed has been involved in an elaborate and time consuming hoax on me. Of course this is impossible. Not only would Ed not dream of doing such a thing but even if he did ... how did he get hold of my copy of the book and how did he manipulate the circumstances so I would read that very page three hours later!

Is this proof or am I really losing the plot?

Sunday 4 January 2009

LHC on the BBC

Once again with apologies for those of you without an IP address that the BBC allows, here is an introductory programme into the workings of the Large Hadron Collider in CERN, much drooled over by our Mr Le Marcs.

It gives an overview of the aims of the project, and interviews theoretical physicists about what may or may not be discovered...

