Thursday, 26 November 2009

I am delighted to say that my work is featured in three different ways in the THE GNOSTIC 2, a journal of Gnostic thought published in Dublin by the Bardic Press.
It contains an article I wrote on Philip K Dick together with a review of both my previous books. What is even more pleasing is that the editor, Andrew Phillip Smith, has included a a short story written by him. He states that this story was influenced by something I discuss in my first book. The story is superb and well worth checking out .... as is the journal itself.
It is rare for me to read a journal and enjoy every single article (with the possible exception of my own!) In its pages can be found interviews with Tessa Dick (PKD's widow) and Colin Wilson and excerpts from books written by both these fascinating thinkers.
Other articles include one on Goethe, one on the Pistas Sophia and one on the process known as "Kimetikos".
In my opinin this journal is worth every cent and I strongly advise anybody interested in Gnosticism to check it out. It can be purchased on Amazon or directly from the Bardic Press website at http://www.bardic-press.com/.
They also have a FORUM that will be discussing the contents of this booklet. This can be found at:
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