Saturday, 2 August 2008

Wowio - Daemon book straight in at number 4

Clearly a lot of people are downloading the pdf copy of my second book, The Daemon - A Guide To Your Extraordinary Secret Self. It has entered the Wowio "Best Sellers" list at number 4! I am really pleased that the book is "selling" so well. My only hope is that this will not detract from sales of the real book.
Of course it is somewhat ironic that I am fascinated by the idea that reality may be an inwardly generated construct - my "virtual book" is selling well before my "actual" book exists in bookshops, on Amazon etc etc!


Baphomet. said...

Pdf not good i prefer a signed copy lol.See you at the book signing.

SM Kovalinsky said...

Tony: I also would not give up a signed copy - in fact I would be willing to buy multiple signed copies, whatever the cost - if you can bring them when I see you. I predict this second book will win you many new fans; the material is compelling, and chap. 10 is fascinating, beautiful. Also wanted to let you know that today I received an email from a quite prominent American scholar and author, who writes on Tennessee Williams and has been reviewed in the New York Times, in praise of my blog, and for writing a review of a new book of his. I was also invited to a literary festival which he directs. So in addition to the Obama camp, and prominent members of the American blogosphere who have emailed me, there is now this man, David Kaplan. I tell you this for one reason: so that you might know that all I have written on you and Karl Le Marcs - and will continue to write - reaches a wider audience than previously thought, which is very pleasing to me.

Hurlyburly said...

Congratulations on the pre-success -success my friend! I can't wait to read it, i expect a signed copy as well, and the next, i also want screenplay rights to your movie when it's inevitabley made!

Karl Le Marcs said...

Tony: I'm somewhat torn between congratulations and catastrophe here!
(for reasons outlined in my comments to the post)
WOWIO - Some Thoughts
[by Tony]

I notice "The Daemon" is now at Number 9 in the WOWIO chart; it would perhaps be better if it were "ITLAD" that was being promoted via WOWIO to thus act as a double-whammy at release of the new book, but then what do I know about Behavioural Economics?
*knowing wink*

Susan Marie: FANTASTIC news re David Kaplan, I'll speak with you on email re some ideas I have.