Friday 16 February 2007

Radio Interview Sunday 18th February -

For those of you who may be interested I will be involved in a live radio discussion on Sunday 18th February at 1100 (GMT). If you live in the Merseyside area you can tune into the broadcast on 87.7fm. For those outside of the area the programme will go out as a webcast and can be accessed at . On my computer the link to the Windows Media Player did not work so I suggest you click on the Quicktime icon. The radio station is, suprisingly enough, 7th Wave. Given the day and the time I am informed by my interviewer (Chris Youngman) that the discussion will be from a spiritual rather than scientific viewpoint so please don't expect any 'hard' science as such but more metaphysics and philosophy.

My book has also been reviewed in Nexus magazine (Vol.14, No2) for February March 2007. This is available now in the UK, Australasia and Europe and will be published in the USA and Canada in March. The review can be found on page 67. In my opinion this is the best precis of the theory I have seen. As Nexus has a print-run of 94,000 copies world-wide (including 28,000 in the USA and Canada) I am hoping that this will assist in getting the book and its theory better known.


Ed said...

How did the radio show go? I missed it because of other pressing matters.... and is it possible to hear a recording?

Anthony Peake said...

Hi Ed,

I have a full recording of it. It runs for an hour or so so I suspect that it is too big to place on the website or blog. I am sure that I could burn a copy onto CD if anybody is interested.