Tuesday 22 January 2008


If we apply the Copenhagen Principle, then the very nature of atoms make consciousness possible. The fact that they are 'unknowable' is natures way of creating consciousness through the 'unobserved' element of atoms.
We have 2 consciousnesses. The 'observed' one is the Eidolon and therefore matter, the 'unobserved' is the daemon and therefore waveform. In this way the Daemon has direct access to the universe and we are all connected at this higher level (Implicate Order). When we experience deja-vu or precognition it is the Daemon atoms sending info to the Eidolon, therefore collapsing the waveform and making it matter, hence thoughts and feelings.
At the point of death, the Daemon is released from the body and becomes part of the universe. Not only this it takes the Eidolon with it. This is explainable through the hologram principle that the whole is contained in all parts. The Eidolon is imprinted within each waveform of the Daemon. This also explains the reports that people are aware of themselves when they have NDE and know they have no body. It also explains how they perceive the Daemon as with them at this time. The past life review runs like the IMAX as it is imprinted holographically in each waveform.
At this point the Eidolon either gets reborn, moves on or using Everett's MWT carries on a different time line as if nothing has happened. The nature of the Daemon allows it to remain separate from the Eidolon and therefore retain the memories that the Eidolon doesn't have direct access to.
I wonder what would happen if scientists worked out a way to build machines that could observe consciousness. Surely in observing it, the waveform would collapse and become matter? What implications does this have for consciousness and death?
Maybe the very reason the atom is so unexplainable is to protect consciousness and allow the cycles to continue?


Anonymous said...

Yes you made a very good point there ummmm

SM Kovalinsky said...

What an interesting post! I thought it was Tony himself writing. I see you are getiing everything clear in your mind, and thereby clarifying it for others as well. Thanks. . .

johar said...

WOW Thanks Susan Marie, you are too kind. These thoughts came to me last night after watching a prog called ATOM on BBC2. It went over what I had already read in Tony's book and continued percolating afterwards - hence i didn't get to sleep until 2am!
Me thinks my daemon may have helped!!!
Next project a fictional book incorporating these ideas - You heard it here first!! XX

SM Kovalinsky said...

Sounds great. Keep us all posted. . .

johar said...

Thanks Susan Marie. I know these ideas have been incorporated into books for years so it's not a unique project but it will give me something to focus on and get my teeth into whilst getting over the death of my husband. XX

SM Kovalinsky said...

Yes, a project like that would certainly help to distract you, while allowing you to play with the ideas and organize them in a fashion that may even enlighten you further. . .

johar said...

Thinking about what I wrote earlier, I don't think I'll ever get over my husbands death only learn to live with the loss. The ache will never go away. The word distraction is one I use a lot, it definitely helps to be distracted! Thanks for the chat, Susan Marie, it has been a pleasure meeting you on this board, speak to you again soon I hope. XX

SM Kovalinsky said...

My pleasure as well. And I thank you. I quite agree: Whatever we may do, these things will be mere distractions. I have often felt as though I have been sentenced to prison for the remainder of my life. Anthony's book is for me the only reasonable hope; I have rejected the rest of what I have read.

Anthony Peake said...


I am really impressed with this post. I for one really buy into the analogy with regard to the Daemon/Eidolon Dyad and the Wave/Particle Duality. This really set me thinking about the implications of such an idea. What would be really good would be if you tried to expand this into an article and try to get it published. I can try and help with this if you wish me to do so. For example I have recently had articles published in "The Canadian" in Canada (see my next posting)and I am sure that they would be very interested. There are also a few web-based sites such as 'Mysterious America'.

It would be really good if articles refering to CTF as a new concept were published in this way. It all helps to get the idea across to as many people as possible.

johar said...

Thank you Tony!
I will certainly think about the article idea.
The other thought that came to me after I posted this was if we employ the MWT then once physical death occurs there are no choices. Everything that is probable at a quantum level becomes reality therefore the time line will be reborn, continue in another dimension and move on to a spiritual realm (into the dark matter?)
Nature needs consciousness to survive and we are the tools of that survival ergo nature will ensure we are infinite in one form or another.