Monday 4 February 2008

It's Groundhog day!!

Sorry, had to be done...



SM Kovalinsky said...

HURLYBURLY: I am in such a fog, it took me some time to figure this out. I had at first thought, "Aww, poor young Hurly, he does not realize the day has come and gone. Poor kid, he thinks he's announcing it to us for the first time." Then it hit me: oooh, yes--it's ground hog day, yet again. . .

Hurlyburly said...

Oh dear oh dear.

Sweet Susan.

Oh dear indeed. ;0)

Karl Le Marcs said...

Not as funny as mine.......

Hurlyburly said...

My post is better than your post...

Gets ultra competitive...

"I played basketball once without a leg..." - Fresh Prince...

Karl Le Marcs said...


SM Kovalinsky said...

Hurly and Karl: You are both equally funny and charming. Thank you Hurly for your other post. Would never want to fall out with the likes of you and Karl.
Karl: Leave off your "Harumphing", and go respond to Anthony's reuqest,on the one about Darren, and do so post haste!!!

Karl Le Marcs said...

Susan Marie (dearest)
Flattery will, as ever, get you ta, muchly.
I've already responded to Tony's Derren comment. Derren is a lovely fella but fiercely private and seldom endorses stuff. Having said that, I do know plenty stuff with which I can blackmail him, so I'm sure he'll listen to me.
ps. Harumphing is good for you.

Hurlyburly said...

'Tis true, i "Harumph" twice a day......before yoga.

SM Kovalinsky said...

Yes, I suppose there is nothing wrong with Harumphing. And if this Darren fellow can indeed be blackmailed, it could prove quite lucrative to us all, as well as good for the advancement of Anthony's books, *tee hee hee*

Karl Le Marcs said...

Susan Marie, my dear, you share my thoughts
*rubs hands and laughs wickedly*

SM Kovalinsky said...

KARL: I can see that we are birds of a feather. . .