Monday 18 February 2008

Sparkling Wit !!!!

Thank you Anthony for your kind comments re our Posts.....I constantly marvel at the way Posts and Blogs like these can take on a Life of their Own....As told to you before, I am a lone Australian who would never have even heard of you if not for Susan Marie who told me of your book and even posted it to me...and who is a fervent believer in your Theories.... you really must explore the Australian market.... I cannot be alone in my admiration here, Susan Marie seems to be in my opinion a really clever and astute person who has extolled your virtues to me from day 1....and we are not Antipodean fools here!!!!! there must be a market for your theories....... All the best... Jesamyn.


Hurlyburly said...

Anthony how spooky is that?

No less that 2 hours ago i was chatting to an Australian on another message board that i usualy post on. I was telling him about Anthony's book and trying to see if he could download it via the book link. Anthony was telling me of plans to expand the book's accessabilty to these neglected parts.

Jesamyn said...

do doo doo do doodoo do!!!I guess i am a neglected part!!!! welll thank ee!!!!

Karl Le Marcs said...

*takes it as personal mission NEVER to neglect any of Jesamyn's parts*

I send a smile from a "lone Britain" to a "lone Australian"

I was myself once called a "Shining Wit" but I still wonder at the hidden Spoonerism !

Anthony Peake said...


Thank you again for your kind words. I am really not sure what the problem is with distribution of the book in Australia. I have quite a few readers down there but I guess they sourced their copies from outside Aus. I will speak to my publisher about this.