Friday, 22 February 2008
New Book - Cover and Publication Date

I have just agreed the cover for my new book (left). I have to say that I am really impressed with this. I think the art work and imagery really get across to a potential reader the power of this book. In many ways I feel that it is an even better book than ITLAD and the cover certainly does it justice.
I have to congratulate my publisher (Arcturus) for designing such an arresting image. I feel that the brown and green theme contrasts well with the blue and orange of ITLAD.
The planned date of publication is 1st September 2008.
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It is perfect; at once subdued and arresting, and it will most definitely draw in Jungians and academics and philosophical types; intellectuals of the very best sort. I have such an odd feeling when looking at it, as though you are destined to become truly famous with this one. This one I will send to all my old mentors, wish I had it now. . .
I like it. For some reason I'm reminded of Derek Jacobi in "Mr Pye" *shakes head at own weirdness*
What happened to the De Chirico?
Roll on Sept 1st.
Wait, did we do that already?
I keeed. Maybe the publishers just really like that word!
I like it Anthony, can't wait to read it in (probably in a single day). No compramises with price this time either!! No no free copy for me, I WON'T HEAR OF IT... ;0)
Susan Marie: Glad that you like it. I agree that this will hopefully open up my writing to a wider audience - although I like the audience I already have I feel that this new book will add an even wider basis of debate.
By they way I am sending this message via my WAP device and I am watching a recording of a movie called "DRAGONFLY" starring Kevin Costner. It deals with loss of a loved one and an interesting angle on Near-Death Experience. It is only half hour in so I do not know how it is going to end - but it is interesting-
Karl: Interesting that you feelthat the image reminds you of Derek Jacobi in Mr Pye. (For those of you who were not around to watch UK TV in the early 1980,s Derek Jacobi played the roll of a sensitive and caring guy living on the island of Sark. He becomes so saintly that he starts to grow wings). As you may not be aware I am told by my relatives that the writer of Mr Pye (Mervyn Peake) is a distant relative of mine. How true this I cannot say. However I am again amazed at yet another strange coincidence. Karl, thanks for bringing this to my attention.
HB: Strangly enough I spotted that as well. How absolutely extraordinary!
I suspect that the publisher is trying to have a cover and strapline that have similarities with the original cover. My initial request was that they kept to the same colours but I have to say that I am very taken with this image and colour scheme.
Anthony; It is quite interesting to me that you would happen to mention this particular movie, as it is an odd reference point for me. A mutual American friend of Jesamyn's and mine who was killed suddenly this past December '07 used to go by the internet name, "Dragonfly". Just days after her death another friend in Canada who had just been informed of the death switched on the TV and this Kevin Costner film was starting, and she e-mailed me immediately of the coincidence.
Sometimes these things become so weird as to defy any logical explanations. Time after time these incidents reinforce the idea that this reality is that of the observer and that by positive or negative thinking we create the world around us.
I did a lecture on Saturday and this very much became the major topic of discussion at the end (I am sure we could have gone on for hours) and it reminded me of something that I was told last year by somebody convinced of this 'power of positive thinking'. He told me that for six months of his life "the stop signs were always on green". However as soon as he noticed this weird statistical anomaly it stopped.
Ok, this is a tad odd. I've not been on the blog since last Friday (long story), but on Sunday night I was watching an episode of Torchwood (a spin off series from Doctor Who - they're anagrammatical in case you weren't aware!) Anyway, the episode was about one of the team who had been killed and he was brought back to life to talk about his NDE (or ADE in his case), so he talks of the bright light and surrounding darkness and the sense of a sentience around him wanting to communicate. He was killed by a scientist researching a new super-drug named RESET that kind of restored the human body to it's original factory settings thereby eradicating HIV and cancer etc. The downside to the treatement being that it came with an alien parasitic life-form in the shape of a DRAGONFLY.
Monday I met Tony for one of our now legendary beer driven intellectual four hour long chats and he mentioned he had been watching DRAGONFLY and that on the blog was a discussion re DRAGONFLY.
Anyone familiar with my own "Kangaroo Paradox" will know that I consider the human mind to be naturally pattern-finding and that many synchrondipitous events can be scientifically argued against given this natural propensity for us to make connections.
However, why did I watch that particular episode the day before meeting Tony. Why did Tony log on to his blog whilst watching that film, and why did DRAGONFLY appear in our collective consciousnesses so many times, disparately but Daemonically connected.
"BLIMEY!" sums it up far better than anything else. . .
*shakes head dispairingly*
You can try and beautifully craft a piece of writing and then find just one word at the end works better than the hundreds before.
I should really remember that and adapt the theory to my own ramblings.
Tony said I ought to post my own Dragonfly story here as you personally would "flip".
*images of Susan Marie literally flipping on the other side of the pond*
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