Friday 16 May 2008

Electromagnetic Waves of Memory

To my knowledge the precise mechanics of memory storage has yet to be discovered, though conventional thinking places it in quasi digital format somewhere within the brain (much like the hard drive on your computer). I would argue this would be an inefficient method of data storage and prefer to take an analog approach in terms of waveform modulation and resonant oscillators.

I propose that memory is actually stored as a modulated electromagnetic wave similar to the radio signal received by your car radio. If we look at the brain as a memory converter rather than storage device then we begin to build the foundations of an extremely efficient analog computer.

I believe each one of us oscillates at a distinct central frequency determined at conception. This frequency becomes the carrier which we use to store our memories. When neurons fire in the brain a modulated electromagnetic wave (at our personal carrier frequency) is generated and propagated into the atmosphere. Individual neurons would act as bandwidth filters, each one tuned to a distinct frequency.

As we stroll thru life the inputs from our five senses are converted to an electromagnetic wave by their respective neurons and create a complex modulated analog signal. This signal becomes the film of our Bohemian IMAX and records everything we ever experience. Along with sensory input, we can also record our thoughts, emotions and certain other indiscernible inputs. And by its very nature this signal carries a built in time stamp for later memory retrieval.

Certainly the electromagnetic carrier wave we produce would not be lost. Because our bodies are a mass of electrical currents it stands to reason we carry with us our own magnetic field. This field would create a resonant oscillator at our own personal frequency. This oscillator would act as the bucket in which we stored our ‘memory waves.’ The model for this concept can be seen in Earth’s own Schumann resonances and the transmission of VLF radio signals around the globe.

The method of memory retrieval would be quite simple really. Suppose we encounter a red hot burner on the stove. We throw this visual image into our electromagnetic memory bank… and then we listen. Basic wave theory states if the signal comes back amplified then it had to be added to an existing waveform (a memory). If it is returned dampened then it has not found a match is only recorded. Once a past memory is found we can demodulate all the additional information stored on the carrier wave. There we might find heat, pain, certain smells and emotions. We now have a complete recollection of a certain image, one which has been reinforced (amplified) by our new current view.

So that’s my electronics technician view of the mind. I’m sure it’s not exact but I think it sets up a nice direction going forward. For me it helps explain certain other phenomenon such as ESP and telepathy. It seems if we were able to tune ourselves to someone else’s frequency then we could easily demodulate their thoughts (quite common among long time couples, which I feel is a direct result of entrainment). It also helps explain the Akashic record and our access to it. Our thoughts are not just our own but are also modulated with the Earth’s own resonant frequency. Not only do I have access to my own personal memories but also to all the memories of those who have come before.


Anthony Peake said...

RAC: Absolutely cracking post!

I have the feeling that we are all collectively moving towards some form of 'field-based' explanation of conciousness, memory, sense-processing etc.

With Karl's theory plus Eugene Halliday's "Reflexive Self-Consciousness" and my Bohmian IMAX we all seem to be stumbling towards the Holy Grail - a possible 'Unified Field Theory' of consciousness.


Karl Le Marcs said...

(Bohmian IMAX Grand Theory Of Everything)!!

Anthony Peake said...

Of course. I must use our "achronymous nomenclature" at all times. BIGTOE will become bigger than the BIG BANG!

ra from ca said...


I found your ideas very interesting. Memory is so fascinating! I hope you will share any future ideas you have, I would love to learn more.